Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tax Planning

More Than An Afterthought

In the last minute rush to finish their taxes, many people throw in an IRA contribution without much thought. Tax planning in general and IRAs in particular deserve more care and attention. In growing our assets and preparing for retirement, we have four major levers: increasing income, spending less, improving investment results and minimizing taxes. IRAs can be useful in two of those four categories. Since the huge bear market, it is generally advisable for most people nearing retirement age to try to increase their savings. Correctly using the best retirement vehicles is one of the easiest steps to do this. Choosing which types of accounts to use is important and varies with each person’s needs. For starters, using a Traditional IRA provides a front end tax deduction for those eligible. Establishing a Roth IRA doesn’t provide the initial deduction, but in most circumstances earnings from the Roth come out tax free.  Traditional IRA distributions are taxed at the ordinary income tax rate.  Further, Roths don’t have a required minimum distribution after age 70 ½ as do Traditional IRAs. Getting these choices right and not running afoul of the complex rules can make a huge difference in how much money you accumulate.