Friday, August 3, 2012

Easy and Simple?

The “Simple” Social Security Formula

I was excited to read that Prof. Laurence Kotlikoff had put together a simple formula for deciding when to claim Social Security retirement benefits. Prof. Kotlikoff is one of the country’s top experts on consumer finance and I thought he had found the Holy Grail for one of the most difficult problems in retirement planning. It was disappointing to finally see his “simple formula.” After making some simplifying assumptions, he boils his formula down to 9 variables.

               B(a) = PIA(a) x (1 – e(n)) x (1 + d(n)) x Z(a) + max((.5 x PIA*(a) – PIA(a) x (1+d(n))) x E(a), 0) x (1- u(a,q,n,m)) x D(a)

Here’s the link to the complete article in a recent edition of Forbes Magazine:

Frequently I run across people who think that personal finance is easy and simple and that reading a few magazines or newsletters and catching an occasional cable television show on the markets will give them all the information they need. I don’t claim to have all the answers but if you’d like to tackle that formula together, give me a call.